
branchesThe United States spent eight long years of desperate fighting for independence from 1775 to 1783. Past 1789, the Founding Fathers had fix about amalgam a regime "built on the primal conviction of revolutionary-era republicanism: that no central authority empowered to coerce or discipline the citizenry was permissible , since it merely duplicated the monarchical and aristocratic principles that the American Revolution had been fought to escape. The United States is now the oldest enduring commonwealth in world history, with a set of political institutions and traditions that have stood the test of time."

According to , "To ensure a separation of powers, the U.S. Federal Government is fabricated up of 3 branches: legislative, executive and judicial. To ensure the government is effective and citizens' rights are protected, each branch has its own powers and responsibilities, including working with the other branches." This is often referred to every bit " checks and balances ," and prevents any one role of government from wielding besides much political ability.

Why information technology Matters

America benefits from a judicial branch positioned to halt executive co-operative overreach. The President of the U.s. cannot stay in power indefinitely and is unable to force the U.Due south. Congress to pass laws. From the very beginning, and still to today, the American people have admission to and influence over their elected representatives.

The House of Representatives most directly reflects the desires of the American public due to the ratio of American citizens to U.S. Representatives and the constant election cycle every two years. Much of the deadlock of the U.S. regime that we witness today reflects a divided American people.

This brief focuses on the Legislative branch of the U.S. authorities, in item the House of Representatives, including the nuts and bolts of how its inner workings, and how everyday citizens tin can influence the legislative process. For a brief on the U.S. Senate, click here .

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What is the Legislative Branch?

The legislative co-operative is made upwardly of the House of Representatives and the Senate , known collectively as the Congress. Among other powers, the legislative branch "makes all laws, declares state of war, regulates interstate and strange commerce and controls taxing and spending policies."

CrashCourse U.S. Government and Politics, produced in collaboration with PBS, explains the Bicameral Congress (9 min):

Of all federal government institutions, the Business firm of Representatives is designed to be closest to American voters, most closely reflecting the private cares and concerns of American taxpayers. In fact, the House is the only institution that has been directly elected past American voters since its formation in 1789.

"'If proportional representation takes place, the small States contend that their liberties will be in danger. If an equality of votes is to exist put in its place, the big States say their money will be in danger,'" explained Benjamin Franklin . What eventually "emerged from weeks of stalemate was called the 'Great Compromise' and created a bicameral legislature with a House, where membership was determined past land population, and a Senate, where each state had two seats regardless of population."

Size and Structure of the House

There are 435 representatives in the House , and have been since the number was stock-still past law in 1911. Each Business firm representative is elected to a two-year term serving the people of a specific congressional district in a state. "Each land receives representation in the Business firm in proportion to the size of its population merely is entitled to at least one representative." This means that states with large populations accept more representatives than small states have. Representation based on population was "one of the most of import components of the Federal Ramble Convention of 1787," as one of the founders' greatest concerns was designing a system of regime that would meliorate stand for the public than did the British model from which they had won independence.

In addition to the 435 representatives from the states, there is a Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico and Delegates from Washington D.C., American Samoa, Guam, The Democracy of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Virgin Islands. The Resident Commissioner and Delegates are able to serve and vote on committees, only practice non have the same full voting rights as the 435 state representatives.

The Role of the Census

Specifically, seats in the House " are apportioned based on state population according to the constitutionally mandated Census."  The Demography, which occurs every 10 years and is overseen past the Agency of the Census, part of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Tying representation to Census data allows the number of each land's representatives to increase or decrease along with fluctuations in land population. The Census data is then used to make up one's mind congressional districts, areas in the state from which representatives are elected to the Firm. This procedure is chosen redistricting. For more on redistricting and the Census, see The Policy Circle'due south Decennial Demography Cursory.


Members of the Business firm of Representatives " must stand for election every 2 years , after which it convenes for a new session and substantially reconstitutes itself – electing a Speaker, swearing-in the Members-elect, and blessing a slate of officers to administer the establishment." Biennial elections are held in November, and the Congress commences in the post-obit Jan. To be elected, a representative must be at least 25 years old, a U.s.a. citizen for at least 7 years, and a resident of the state he or she represents. U.S. Business firm candidates are not required to alive in the congressional commune they represent.

The Life of a Representative

According to Congressional Direction Foundation'southward Life in Congress report , when representatives are in Washington, D.C., they report spending their time as follows:

  • 35% on "Legislative/Policy Work"
  • 17% on "Constituent Services Work"
  • 17% on "Political/Campaign Work"
  • nine% on "Press/Media Relations"
  • 9% on "Family/Friends"
  • 7% on "Administrative/Managerial Piece of work"
  • 6% on "Personal Fourth dimension"

When in their habitation district, they reported spending fourth dimension as follows:

  • 32% on "Elective Services Work"
  • 18%  on "Political/Campaign Work"
  • 14% on "Press/Media Relations"
  • 12%  on "Legislative/Policy Piece of work"
  • nine% with "Family/Friends"
  • viii% on "Personal Time"
  • 7% on "Administrative/Managerial Piece of work"


Article I, Section vi of the Constitution requires Congress to determine its ain pay. Congress's " electric current automatic adjustment formula , which is based on changes in private sector wages," was established by the Ethics Reform Act of 1989. The terminal pay adjustment was in January 2009. Since, nigh representatives earn $174,000 annually, while the majority and minority leaders make $193,400. The Speaker earns the largest salary at $223,500. Additionally, representatives "are discipline to some specific laws and regulations regarding the credence of gifts ," particularly gifts from registered lobbyists or from private entities that retain or use a lobbyist.

What does the Firm of Representatives do?

Responsibilities of the House

Per the Constitution , the House and Senate together make and pass federal laws, innovate bills and resolutions, offer amendments, and serve on committees that enable members to develop specialized noesis on the matters nether that commission's jurisdiction. Though both brand upwards Congress, in that location are a few distinctions betwixt the two. In particular, the Constitution "provides that merely the House of Representatives may originate revenue bills, " and past tradition it also originates appropriation bills.

Additionally, while the Constitution does non specifically mention investigations and oversight , "the say-so to conduct investigations is implied since Congress possesses 'all legislative powers'." The Business firm initiates impeachment proceedings and passes articles of impeachment (the Senate sits as a courtroom to try the impeachment).

Finally, during a presidential ballot, the Firm of Representatives steps in if no candidate receives a bulk of the full balloter votes. Each state delegation has i vote to cull the President from among the pinnacle three candidates with the largest number of electoral votes.

Leadership in the House

Later each election, the political party that wins the most representatives is designated the " Bulk ." The other political party is the " Minority. " The majority party holds key leadership positions, such as Speaker of the House. The same party can have the majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, or the chambers can be split. Tertiary parties rarely have enough members to elect their own leadership, so independents generally join one of the larger party organizations to receive commission assignments.

The House is run by majority rule.  When a majority of members vote to do something in the Business firm, it gets washed. Majority dominion makes passing legislation relatively efficient, and that means that the party in the minority has less power to set up the calendar or pass its proposals. This contrasts with the Senate, where a single senator – in the majority or the minority – can generally force a vote or finish a bill in its tracks.

House Leadership includes the Speaker of the House, Majority and Minority Leaders, and Majority and Minority Whips.

The Speaker of the House is the presiding officer of the Firm, and is elected by the members of the Business firm. The Speaker administers the Oath of Office to House members, chairs certain committees or nominates commission chairs (namely the chairs of the Business firm Administration Committee and the Rules Committee ), and appoints members of various committees and House staff. Later the Vice President, the Speaker is second in line to succeed the Vice President.

Majority and Minority Leaders correspond their respective parties on the House floor. Each is elected by his or her corresponding party. The bulk leader is 2nd to the Speaker and schedules legislative concern, planning legislative agendas rather than serving on committees. The minority leader serves every bit the minority political party'south spokesperson, essentially the minority political party's counterpart to the Speaker. He or she also chairs the minority party's committee assignment panel.

Majority and Minority Whips serve as middlemen to between their party leaders and members. They "maintain advice betwixt the leadership of the party and its members, marshal support for party positions on the floor, count votes on key legislation, and persuade wavering Members to vote for the party position."

The Speaker of the Business firm is elected by the entire Firm of Representatives, while the Republican Briefing and Democratic Caucus elect the other leadership positions. The Republican Conference is the formal arrangement of Republican Members in the House, and the Democratic Caucus is that of the Autonomous Members.

Come across current Firm Leadership positions here.

The Role of Committees

Committees " are permanent panels governed past House sleeping accommodation rules, with responsibility to consider bills and issues and to have full general oversight relating to their areas of jurisdiction." Committees have different legislative jurisdictions, but each considers, shapes, and passes laws related to its jurisdiction, and monitors agencies, programs, and activities within their jurisdiction. Each committee has a chair that leads the full committee, and a ranking fellow member who leads the minority members of the committee. Commission assignment direct affects a representative'southward piece of work in Congress. Later on a Congressional election, political parties assign newly elected representatives to standing committees

Crash Form U.Due south. Regime & Politics explains what Congressional committees do (8 min):

Some of the almost well-known committees include:

  • The Business firm Commission on Ways and Means , which oversees all taxation, tariffs, and other revenue-raising measures.
  • The House Committee on Appropriations , which has jurisdiction over setting specific government expenditures.
  • The House Committee on Foreign Affairs , which has jurisdiction over foreign help and oversees national security developments affecting foreign policy.
  • The House Committee on the Judiciary, which oversees the judiciary and ceremonious and criminal proceedings.

Most committees are regular standing committees, which continue from 1 Congress to the next. In that location are also select committees, special committees formed for a short menstruation of time for a specific purpose such as an investigation, and at that place are several joint committees with the Senate. See a full list of all House Committees here .

Legislation in the House

Legislation begins with an idea . It may come up from a Congressman, a staffer, a constituent, or a thought leader or proficient on a given subject field. You may remember the School House Stone video , which walks through the legislative process in an accessible way and is great to share with your kids (3 min):

Drafting Legislation

Working with House parliamentarians —  lawyers and clerks who provide nonpartisan guidance on rules and procedures — and other Congressional staff on Capitol Hill, the Congressional representative'due south staff drafts the neb. The parliamentarians accept specific expertise; they piece of work closely with staff in a non-partisan way to typhoon the specific language of the bill. Staff works to build sponsors and cosponsors before the neb is introduced.

Introducing a Bill

Any Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner can innovate a neb when the house is in session by " placing it in the 'hopper, '" a box on the House Clerk's desk in the Capitol building. The Member who introduces the bill is known as the primary sponsor. The pecker is then formally assigned a number by the Clerk. A nib originating in the House will starting time with "H.R." (for the House of Representatives, as opposed to "Southward." for the Senate). The Speaker'due south role then assigns that bill to its committee(s) of jurisdiction, which so assigns the bill to a subcommittee(southward).

Committee Process

The Subcommittee seeks input from relevant departments and agencies and holds public hearings. Later hearings, at that place is a markup on the legislation , in which "views of both sides are studied in detail and at the conclusion of deliberation a vote is taken to determine" whether or not the subcommittee recommends the neb to the total committee. In the full commission, the subcommittee reports on the bill; this meeting provides an opportunity for Members to improve the legislation. There is also the possibility that the commission tables the bill or fails to take activity , which prevents the pecker from reaching the total House. You can lookout man House Commission hearing videos here .

To get to the full House, the commission staff writes a report describing the purpose of the bill, why the neb is recommended, and an analysis of each part of the neb and how the bill may affect existing law. A total committee marking-upward and the decision of what legislation makes it to the Business firm flooring is tightly controlled by the Committee Chairman'south function and leadership. When the legislation is reported favorably out of the total committee it awaits a decision by leadership to schedule time for information technology to be debated on the Business firm flooring. This conclusion is a negotiation based on priorities of the commission and of leadership.

After a commission has reported a bill, the bill is placed on the agenda . This means the neb is eligible for floor consideration, merely not that it volition necessarily get in to the floor. In the Firm, it is up to the bulk party leadership to decide which bills the House volition consider on the floor, and in what order.

Committee on Rules

Once leadership has decided that a specific piece of legislation will receive floortime, the House Majority Leader alerts the committee of jurisdiction that the pecker will be considered on the House Floor, and this kicks off the Rules Committee process.

The Committee on Rules , or Rules Committee, is one of the oldest standing committees in the House. The Commission is commonly known equally "The Speaker's Committee" – prior to 1910, the Speaker chaired the Rules Committee, and today it is the mechanism by which the Speaker maintains control of the House Flooring. The Rules Commission is sometimes also referred to as " the traffic cop of the Firm ," as information technology determines how much time will be allowed for debate on each piece of legislation considered on the House floor, and if any (and which) amendments will be immune to exist considered during the debate.

Nearly bills are considered under a procedure known as interruption of the rules , "which limits argue to 40 minutes and does not allow amendments to be offered by members on the floor." Otherwise, the bill is considered under terms tailored for the particular neb. In this case, the House adopts a resolution chosen a special dominion from the Rules Commission. Later the Rules Committee reports the rule for considering the beak and the Firm votes to adopt the rule, the House can and so keep to the floor fence.

Floor Debate

Once the dominion has been adopted, the House usually considers the pecker "in a procedural setting called the Committee of the Whole , which is essentially "the House assembled in a different form; information technology is a committee of the House composed of every Representative that meets in the House sleeping accommodation." This procedure "allows members an efficient way to consider and vote on amendments."

After the floor debate on amendments and the underlying legislation, the Committee of the Whole reports to the full Business firm, which and then votes on the beak. The neb passes the House by a unproblematic majority , 218 votes of the 435 total. It then goes to the Senate and waits to be scheduled for floor time.

Meet The Policy Circumvolve's Senate Brief to encounter how the process continues.

Additional Resources

Glossary of terms

Unlike types of legislation

Alternative legislative procedures in the House

Ways to Get Involved/What You Can Do

Measure & Place : Who are the influencers in your country, county, or customs? Learn about their priorities and consider how to contact them

  • Do yous know who your Congressional Representative is ? What about your state elected officials ?
  • Track your representatives' votes with GovTrack .

Reach out: You are a catalyst. Finding a mutual crusade is a great opportunity to develop relationships with people who may be outside of your immediate network. All information technology takes is a small squad of two or three people to set a path for real improvement. The Policy Circle is your platform to convene with experts you desire to hear from.

  • Detect allies in your customs or in nearby towns and elsewhere in the state.
  • Foster collaborative relationships with colleagues, neighbors, friends, and local organizations to mobilize an attempt to bring attending to your result to your local Congressional function. Also reach out to customs leaders to educate them and asking their engagement on the result.

Plan: Set some milestones based on your state'south legislative calendar .

  • You can detect the legislative calendar for the Firm of Representatives here .
  • Don't hesitate to contact The Policy Circle team, , for connections to the broader network, advice, insights on how to build rapport with policy makers and institute yourself every bit a borough leader.

Execute: Give it your all-time shot. You tin:

  • Inquiry: Brand sure you know the facts most the effect you are raising. Government agencies, think tanks, and media outlets tin can all be expert resources. Call back to research all sides of the issue to make sure y'all understand various angles. You lot tin can too talk with people who are affected past the issue with which yous are concerned; anecdotal data combined with measured data tin exist powerful.
  • Write: Although we may exist more inclined to electronic mail in the digital age, writing an one-time-fashioned letter to your local elected representatives or to members of Congress is all the same one of the most effective ways to influence lawmakers.
      • See these tips for footstep-by-step instructions to write letters to elected officials, including how to address your representative, reference specific legislation, and properly send your correspondence.
  • Organize: Organize people to call in, follow-up on written material, and accomplish out to other community members to educate them on the issue. Demonstrating wide support can be very effective in influencing a legislator to support your position.

Working with others, you may create something cracking for your community. Here are some tools to acquire how to contact your representatives and write an op-ed .