A Support With Soren in Por

"When the sage died, no one would help me. I couldn't speak. Couldn't notice food. I was dying. You were the simply one who helped. You and your father. That'south why you lot're my friend. My…only friend."
—Soren, in his A support conversation with Ike

Soren is a playable grapheme from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Burn down Emblem: Radiant Dawn. The staff officer and strategist of the Greil Mercenaries, he is as well a close friend of Ike and harbors undying loyalty to him.


  • 1 Profile
    • one.1 Fire Keepsake: Path of Radiance
    • 1.2 Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 In-Game
    • 3.one Burn Emblem: Path of Radiance
      • 3.one.1 Recruitment
      • 3.1.2 Base of operations Stats
      • 3.1.iii Growth Rates
      • 3.1.four Support Conversations
      • 3.i.5 Promotion Gains
      • iii.one.6 Overall
    • 3.2 Fire Keepsake: Radiant Dawn
      • iii.2.i Availability
      • iii.2.2 Base Stats
      • three.two.three Growth Rates
      • 3.2.4 Biorhythm
      • 3.two.5 Bond Support
      • iii.2.6 Promotion Gains
      • 3.2.7 Overall
    • 3.3 Fire Emblem Enkindling
      • 3.3.i SpotPass
    • 3.iv Fire Emblem Heroes
    • four.1 Path of Radiance
      • four.one.i Battle Conversations
      • iv.1.two Decease
    • iv.2 Radiant Dawn
      • 4.2.1 Battle Conversations
      • 4.ii.2 Death
    • 4.three Heroes
  • 5 Possible Endings
  • vi Not-Canon Appearances
    • 6.one Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
      • vi.1.1 Spirit Info
      • 6.one.two Spirit Boxing
    • 6.2 Fire Keepsake 0 (Aught)
  • vii Choose Your Legends Placement History
  • 8 Etymology
  • 9 Trivia
  • 10 Gallery


The son of King Ashnard of Daein and Almedha, the daughter of King Dheginsea of Goldoa, Ashnard became obsessed with Soren after he was built-in, only eventually lost interest in him once he discovered that he did not have any special powers. Some time later, Ashnard used Soren as bait to lure Almedha's brother, Prince Rajaion, into a trap. This proved to be successful and Ashnard transformed Rajaion into a Feral I and his personal mount.

Eventually, Soren was separated from his parents and taken in by a woman who is stated to have only done it "out of duty" and was verbally and physically calumniating towards him. At roughly the age of four, Soren was adopted by an onetime sage in Gallia who mistook him for a Spirit Charmer due to the marker on his forehead. The adult female was delighted to exist rid of her brunt of looking subsequently Soren and received money in bounty. The sage put him through terribly rigorous magic training, had him work day and night, without cease. Eventually, the sage taught him how to use magic.

Afterwards the sage died, Soren sought aid from a nearby beorc village, but he was forcibly chased away. He also discovered that he was unable to speak, despite being skilled in listening, reading, and writing. When he was nigh death by starvation, a immature Ike found him and gave his ain lunch to him. Ike also promised to feed him over again on the side by side day. Yet, on the following day, Soren discovered the carnage left by Greil's berserk rampage that was triggered by Lehran's Medallion. Soren checked the corpses for Ike, but he did not discover him and causeless that he was safe. Afterwards, he traveled to Crimea in search of Ike. During his journeying, Soren took refuge in a church under the guise of a Spirit Charmer. During his time at that place, the church workers instructed him in basic matters such equally voice communication. After wandering for several years, he eventually reunited with Ike and joined the Greil Mercenaries.

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

Some time before the story, Soren traveled to the capital of Crimea in order to report at the imperial library. During one of his days there, he witnessed the Daein regular army's assault on Crimea, which was the beginning stage of the The Mad King'southward War. Immediately, he returned to the Greil Mercenaries' base of operations to inform them about this. From this point on, he accompanies Ike as an adviser and strategist for his army.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

Soren commencement appears aslope the Greil Mercenaries when they rescue Lucia from her execution at the hands of Ludveck's army. During the cutscene, he is nigh ambushed by a soldier from behind, as he was lost in his books, but Mia saves him.

In Role 3, he serves the Laguz Alliance as a strategist, but Skrimir looked down upon him as Soren chose to be furtive than charging at the front end. His ingenious plans at some of the decisive clashes between Begnion and the Laguz Alliance, however –such as how they would throw the baby-sit of the "impregnable" Fort Mugill into disarray likewise as the Ribahn River crossing to hit the enemy – made him alter his mind.

In a special conversation in the epilogue, Soren's true identity as the prince of Daein is revealed, as Almedha realizes it upon seeing him and expresses her pride in him. Nonetheless, Almedha did not introduce herself to Soren every bit his mother, being a truth that she would continue to hold forever buried within her middle, never known to history.

In the ending, he volition back-trail Ike on a journey to search for new lands if they share an "A" back up level.


Typically rude and common cold towards others, Soren prefers to be lonely rather than with the rest of the company. Equally a result, he appears to be high-strung, though Titania thinks that this is because Soren is "a very empathetic immature man." Even so, afterward the Mad King's War, his outlook started to change ever so slightly, and he would be seen talking to others such equally Titania and Ranulf likewise.

Behaving with logic and thinking from a contemptuous viewpoint due to his hard childhood, he puts the feelings or circumstances of others aside if information technology benefits the mercenaries, oftentimes suggesting not to help others if it hinders their cause unless they tin gain something from it. Although he is criticized for this, his tactics are still regarded as impeccable by many, including Ike, who views him equally "essential" to the company. Soren's tactics also earned him the attention of Skrimir, who never even thought about tactics prior to their meeting.

In the starting time of Path of Radiance, Soren displays a rather obvious dislike for laguz. However, with Ike'south assurance, he is able to hold it back. His resentment towards laguz is also present during Radiant Dawn, albeit non as strongly as it is in Path of Radiance.

Soren shows a great amount of compassion towards Ike and seems to take devoted his life to him. Ike seems to take swell insight into Soren's personality, calling him a "softie" who tries to put on a strong face in one of their conversations in Path of Radiance. His extreme loyalty to Ike tin be compared to the devotion that Almedha harbors towards her false son, Pelleas. Throughout the game, Soren is regarded equally "the male child always at Ike'due south side" by other characters, with him himself besides declaring that Ike is his only friend.

Soren likewise seems to dislike beingness interrupted, equally seen when he is explaining his battle plans to Skrimir. This is also shown when he receives the Hammerne staff from Aimee.


Fire Keepsake: Path of Radiance


  • Chapter 4: Automatically from the showtime.

Base of operations Stats

Starting Class Affinity
FE9 Soren Mage Sprite.png Mage FE9Dark.gif Dark
Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wt Mov
1 xviii 0 six 8 8 v 2 vii six half-dozen 5
Skills Weapon Starting Items
FE9 Adept.gif Adept FE9 Wind.png Wind - D
FE9 Fire.png Fire - E
FE9 Thunder.png Thunder - Due east
FE9wind.gif Wind

Growth Rates

HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
45% 5% sixty% 55% 40% xxx% 15% 55%

Support Conversations

See also: Soren/Supports
  • Ike
  • Stefan

Promotion Gains

Particular Required Promoted Class
(FE9masterseal.gif Main Seal) FE9 Soren Sage Sprite.png Sage
i +four +2 +i +2 +2 +2 +ii +1 +1
Skills Weapon Levels
FE9 Knife Skill.gif Knife* FE9 Staff.pngE* FE9 Fire.pngD** FE9 Thunder.pngD**

* Depends on actor'south selection.
** If his weapon rank is however at Due east before promotion.


Secret Book (Artwork).png

Subjective: The following office of this commodity is based upon the editor'due south personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not exist applicative for all readers.

Soren is the offset mage available to the role player in Path of Radiance. He joins in affiliate 4 and is available in every map from then on, allowing him to quickly rack upwardly kills and experience. Due to the fact that he targets resistance, he is able to bargain heavy chip damage to enemy armor knights and soldiers, amid others. His offensive stats will quickly grow and allow him to readily contribute. He does, nevertheless, have several flaws. His near notable issue is his low movement of five, the same every bit an Armor Knight. This can event in some difficulty reaching the fray, especially with how prevalent mounts are in this game. His depression bulk, fifty-fifty in comparison to other mages, can cause issues as well (though he has adequately reliable avert). Betwixt both of these things, some might consider him ill-suited for front-line combat. Soren as well has very bad Strength, which makes tome weight an issue early. However, if the actor does non mind making small accommodations for him, Soren can be a useful thespian phase unit of measurement, or fifty-fifty an enemy phase unit if his Speed is sufficient. Something Soren has over the other mages is Adept, which, though information technology has a low initial activation charge per unit, can often push Soren over to the point of getting a kill.

When information technology comes time to promote Soren, the player has the choice to requite him staves or knives. Staves are the ameliorate option by far, as he will practically never desire to utilize knives instead of magic, and they volition give him a piffling scrap of healer utility. Once Soren has become a Sage, his growths should accept managed to pull him out of his initial funk, and he can be a reliable combat unit of measurement.

Overall, Soren is a grapheme who tends to live and die past his growth rates, just on average, he is ordinarily a stiff combatant and one of the best sources of 1-2 range magic damage. Compared to other mages, his greatest reward is his availability, which gives him many opportunities to prove his worth.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn


Part 1 Part 2 Part three Role 4 Endgame
P one 2 3 iv 5 six seven 8 9 Due east P i 2 iii E P 1 2 three four 5 6 7 8 ix x 11 12 13 East P 1 2 three 4 5 East A1 A2 A3 A4 A5

◎=Forced ○=Available

Base Stats

Starting Course Affinity
FE10 Soren Wind Sage Sprite.png Wind Sage FE10Dark.png Dark
Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con Wt Mov
5 28 9 23 21 18 11 9 21 6 6 6
Skills Weapon Starting Items
Adept.png Proficient FE10 Wind Magic.gif Air current - A
FE10 Fire Magic.gif Fire - B
FE10 Thunder Magic.gif Thunder - B
FE10elwind.png Elwind
FE10thunder.png Thunder
FE10fire.png Burn down
FE10vulnerary.png Vulnerary

Growth Rates

HP Str Magazine Skl Spd Lck Def Res
40% 25% fourscore% 60% 35% 35% 25% 70%


RD Biorhythm E.jpg

Bail Support

  • Ike: 5%

Promotion Gains

Item Required Promoted Class
(FE10mastercrown.png Master Crown) FE10 Soren Arch Sage Sprite.png Archsage
1 +4 +4 +2 +two +two +4 +2 +0 +0
Skills Weapon Levels
Flare.png Flare FE10 Staff.gif Eastward


Secret Book (Artwork).png

Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor'due south personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

As an Archsage, Soren tin reach his Stat Caps in magic, skill, and resistance easily, but he has rather questionable speed and forcefulness growths. One time he caps Magic, Skill, and Resistance, Bonus Feel can assist him max out his other stats. Of all potential Archsages, Soren (forth with Bastian) accept the highest cap in Magic but the lowest cap in Strength, only Soren's strength equally an Archsage will always be high enough to suffer no loss of assault speed from wielding Rexcalibur.

Soren's main contest as a candidate for Archsage comes from Ilyana, every bit both are the just anima mages with enough availability to level and promote rather easily. Soren'south main advantage is Current of air magic being stronger than Thunder magic in this game and besides having a B rank in Fire and Thunder Tomes by default, meaning he does not have to grind weapon ranks to use most Burn down magic, which is the strongest anima weapon type of the three in Radiant Dawn. In detail, Soren can accomplish an S rank in wind magic every bit a Air current Sage long earlier he is able to promote, meaning once that happens, he can easily revert to using the stronger Burn down Magic until he promotes. Ilyana, on the other hand, needs all-encompassing usage in society to push button her Thunder magic proficiency up to S before promoting to an Archsage, and also will have to use that time to grind Fire and Air current ranks if seeking command of the anima weapon triangle is desired (though this can be compensated by assigning her the Discipline curlicue that can exist stolen from an enemy during Office I). Soren as well will take improve speed, magic, and resistance, which is much more than valuable in the last 2 endgame capacity. Although Ilyana is the only graphic symbol capable of using the Rexbolt, she cannot safely utilise it to impale many Dragon Laguz in the endgame unless they are weakened due to the excessive power and durability Dragon Laguz tend to have.

Despite these many advantages Soren has over Ilyana, the latter has considerably better availability due to being available in near of the Role one Chapters and also returning in Part 3. This means that past the fourth dimension Ilyana rejoins in Part three, she can be roughly on par level-wise with Soren, mayhap simply being ii or three levels behind. However, Ilyana'south improve availability is but an asset if she is trained and promoted before the end of Part one; if that does not happen, training Ilyana in Office 3 is going to exist more trouble than it is worth. Hard Mode in particular tends to favor Soren over Ilyana, as she will be competing with a number of characters in Office I for very express experience, and most of the characters in Office I will need to be better trained in Hard Mode than in Easy and Normal Mode for the chapters they are used in during Part 3.

While Ilyana cannot use the Rexbolt to face up many Dragon Laguz in the endgame one-on-i (especially Dheginsea, with which Ilyana is about certain to be KOd by one-on-ane), the ability to utilize information technology is still very useful, as being the strongest Tome in the game, information technology will do much more harm than Soren tin with an Arcthunder or Thoron tome. In addition, while Thunder magic is the weakest type of Anima magic in the game, it is only one point weaker than Wind magic, though Soren in general will exist inflicting more than damage with Current of air magic than Ilyana can due to his much higher magic growth rate.

Fire Emblem Awakening


Starting Form
FE13 NPC Generic Mage (M) Map Sprite.gifMage
Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Mov
12 25 two xv+2 17 15 8 4 xiii 5
Skills Weapon Starting Items
Magic +2.pngMagic +ii
TomeIconFE13.pngTome - D Elwind FE13.pngElwind*

*Enemy simply; joins unequipped

Fire Emblem Heroes


Path of Radiance

Battle Conversations

  • Vs. Maijin

Maijin: A mage, eh? I'll take to keep my guard upward around you, no matter how young you expect.
Soren: You forced this combat. We cannot allow you to render habitation. Are you ready to die?


"I don't similar it, but I'll follow your orders and go ahead... Merely, Ike, watch yourself!"
—Soren's escape quote

(Chapter 17 and before)
Soren: Oof! That was... poorly done.
Ike: Retreat, Soren! You've washed all y'all tin can hither!
Soren: But, Ike...
Ike: Yous heard me. Fall back! You lot can however help u.s.a. with our planning. Too, if y'all tell us all what to practise, we'll be meliorate off, correct?
Soren: I... I sympathize... Please... be careful!

(Affiliate 18 and after)
Soren: Oh... Ow!
Ike: Agree it, Soren! You're not staying in this a moment longer! Withdraw!
Soren: Ike, I can still--
Ike: Our tactician isn't allowed to make faces like that. Ever! Listen, we need you planning our strategies at base, and then leave that mental attitude behind. That is, unless you have a problem with the two of us in command.
Soren: Of-of class not! I didn't see... ... I understand. Simply listen... Stay condom, Ike.

Soren: Argh! Not now... It's the final boxing... How could I exist so careless?
Ike: Soren! Simply autumn back! This may exist the last battle for Crimea, but information technology won't exist the final battle for the states, volition it?
Soren: What?
Ike: Nosotros're mercenaries. Afterward this boxing, in that location will be hundreds, maybe thousands of fights ahead. Am I wrong?
Soren: I... No...
Ike: Right. And then get out of here. Our little group needs you! Practice you empathise?
Soren: Ike... I understand. I volition withdraw... Ike! Don't let me down!

Radiant Dawn

Boxing Conversations

  • Vs. Micaiah (Chapter three-xiii)

Soren: Our last battle, in the valley. Was that your strategy?
Micaiah: ...
Soren: That was impressive. Y'all killed thousands of beorc soldiers with your fiddling ambush. Well done.
Micaiah: I...
Soren: The Maiden of Dawn... What are you? One of the Branded, that'due south for sure. But at that place is something else near you... Ability. Yeah, I can feel it in you lot. Yous possess nifty power.
Micaiah: Yes, and you would know. There'south something very different about you, too. Your energy feels so...ancient. You and I seem to have so much in common.
Soren: That doesn't matter in the slightest. The but affair that does matter is that yous are a dangerous adversary. You are also in Ike's path, and then information technology falls to me to remove you. It'south almost a shame. Farewell, Maiden of Dawn.
Micaiah: So, y'all fight for someone, as well. Then very much alike... But I will defeat you. I will protect the ones I love!

  • Vs. Pelleas (Affiliate 3-Eastward)

Soren: The new king of Daein, Pelleas. How convenient. I can end this farce right now. Surrender or dice.
Pelleas: Who are y'all? That mark on your brow... Is it a mark of Spirit Protection?
Soren: No. It's something rather different.
Pelleas: But that shape... It looks and so much like mine!
Soren: Is that so? Y'all might yet be more than powerful than you permit on. Still, I doubt this changes anything. Prepare yourself, Pelleas.
Pelleas: But await! At that place's and so much I desire to inquire you!


"I've been commanded to scout ahead, so I'll withdraw... Be careful, Ike!"
—Soren's escape quote

(Retreat Quote)
Soren: ...Ugh... What a terrible place...to die...
Ike: Soren, retreat!
Soren: But, Ike...
Ike: Aren't you supposed to be my strategist? Use your head! I need your help.
Soren: ...I come across. As yous command... (Soren Retreats)

"Ike... Please live... Even if all the cities burn, and the seas swallow Tellius... You mustn't die... Non you..."
—Soren's decease quote in Part 4


Soren/Heroes Quotes

Possible Endings

Silent Master of Winds (静寂の風使い Seijaku no kaze-zukai)

Though his tactical genius was unmatched, Soren never used his talents for anyone but Ike.
A support with Ike
When peace had settled on the country, Soren packed lightly and ready off with the only person he had e'er trusted.

Non-Canon Appearances

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Spirit Info

No. Name Epitome Type Form Slots Issue
658 Soren Soren FE9 Artwork.png Support ★☆☆☆ (Novice) i Magic Assault ↑

Spirit Battle

Spirit Enemy Fighter(s) Blazon Power / Class Stage Rules Conditions Music
Soren FE9 Artwork.png
No. 658
Shield 1,800/ ★☆☆☆ (Novice) Temple (Battlefield) •Magic and PSI Unleashed •The enemy favors special moves
•All fighters' magic and PSI attacks accept increased ability
"Victory is Near"

Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher)

Soren is illustrated in the trading carte du jour game with the following cards:

Round Placement Grapheme Version Votes

CYL1 45

Path of Radiance

Radiant Dawn
CYL2 47

Path of Radiance

Radiant Dawn
CYL3 saw the transition to different counting mechanisms involving versions of characters and ties, so modify measured betwixt CYL2 and CYL3 shouldn't be taken at confront value.
CYL3 20
(From highest)

Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn
(From combined)
CYL4 26

Radiant Dawn/Path of Radiance
CYL5 17

Radiant Dawn/Path of Radiance


'Soren' is a Danish given name originating from Latin Severinus, derived from severus "severe, strict, serious". Søren Kierkegaard was a nineteenth-century philosopher and theologian whose work was the foreground for twentieth-century existentialism.

Interestingly, there was a Pope Severinus who lived in the seventh century who, when he refused to validate the Byzantine Emperor'due south latest religious decrees, was besieged by Isaac, the Exarch of Ravenna, an ally of the Emperor. Later, an assault on the Byzantines by the Lombards, 1 of the Germanic tribes living in northern Italy, probably resulted in Isaac's death.


  • Soren'due south Path of Radiance incarnation came in 24th place for males in the Burn Keepsake Heroes Choose Your Legends popularity poll, with 6,248 votes. His Radiant Dawn incarnation came in 39th place for males, and had iii,470 votes.
  • Although Soren'due south hair appears black, it is really a very dark shade of dark-green, much darker than his mother's or other relatives' hair. Information technology is also noted that his Branded marker has changed slightly between the artwork of Path of Radiance & Radiant Dawn. In Path of Radiance, the sides were curved in; in Radiant Dawn, the sides are straight notwithstanding curve outward a lilliputian.
  • Soren's Japanese name resembles the discussion "scenario," a likely reference to his role as tactician for the Greil Mercenaries.
  • Soren shares his English language voice actor, Kyle McCarley, with Echoes: Shadows of Valentia's Alm and Three Houses Gatekeeper.
  • Soren shares his Japanese phonation actor, Ayumu Murase, with Shadow Dragon'due south Gordin.
  • Due to Goldoa'due south isolation, it is probable that Soren is the very first Dragon-Branded in history.


See main article: Soren/Gallery.


Source: https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Soren

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