How Many Documents Have Been Reviewed for Kavanaughs Selection

Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh's Supreme Court confirmation hearings are scheduled to begin on Tuesday.

Credit... Erin Schaff for The New York Times

WASHINGTON — The Trump White Firm, citing executive privilege, is withholding from the Senate more than than 100,000 pages of records from Guess Brett M. Kavanaugh's time as a lawyer in the administration of erstwhile President George W. Bush-league.

The decision, disclosed in a letter that a lawyer for Mr. Bush sent on Friday to Senator Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, comes just days before the commencement of Gauge Kavanaugh's Supreme Court confirmation hearings on Tuesday. Information technology drew condemnation from Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader.

"We're witnessing a Friday nighttime certificate massacre," Mr. Schumer wrote on Twitter on Saturday. "President Trump's decision to stride in at the last moment and hide 100k pages of Judge Kavanaugh's records from the American public is not only unprecedented in the history of SCOTUS noms, it has all the makings of a cover upward."

Democrats and Republicans have been arguing for weeks over access to documents relating to Judge Kavanaugh's time working for Mr. Bush. Democrats say that Republicans are blocking access to the documents as part of an effort to ram through the nomination without proper scrutiny.

The bulk of the records being withheld "reflect deliberations and candid advice concerning the selection and nomination of judicial candidates, the confidentiality of which is critical to whatever president's power to conduct out this cadre constitutional executive function," wrote Mr. Bush-league's lawyer, William A. Burck.




How Supreme Court Confirmations Became Partisan Spectacles

Confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominees didn't e'er exist. But the 19th Amendment, schoolhouse desegregation and television all contributed to major changes in the procedure.

"Please enhance your correct hand." These are the Supreme Court confirmation hearings — "This is day 2." — you're probably all familiar with. "Bigly." "You simply said 'bigly.'" "Bigly." Large partisan productions — "A charade and a mockery." "Anything else y'all want to say, Judge Bork?" — that dominate the headlines and the airwaves. This is how they used to exist. [crickets] Yeah, at that place really weren't any. So how did we get from here — [crickets] — to here? We'll start in 1937 with onetime Senator Hugo Black, who'southward beingness congratulated. That's because he'due south just been confirmed equally a Supreme Court Justice. He's besides been outed every bit a former member of the Ku Klux Klan. So to explain himself, he gets on the radio. "I did join the Klan. I later resigned. I never rejoined." People are not happy. They're basically asking: How could the Senate Judiciary Committee let this guy through? Answer: Since the starting time hearing back in 1873, for this guy, at that place were no standard ways of property hearings for Supreme Courtroom nominees. They didn't have to go and testify, and the hearings didn't demand to be fabricated public. The senators reviewed the nominees amid themselves. But and so came a couple of amendments to the Constitution. The upshot is they gave more voting power to the people. And so the senators needed to start paying more attention to public opinion. And they're paying attention when Black's controversial confirmation drives Americans to inquire: Why are these hearings private? It'south a big reason why the adjacent nominee to come along gets a public hearing. And it'southward not only a public hearing, it'southward the start that includes no-holds-barred questioning by the committee. Things are offset to alter. Then World State of war II comes, and goes. America is suddenly a superpower. Business booms, suburbs abound. "The protest took the class of a boycott." And we run into the kickoff of the modern ceremonious-rights era. In 1954, the courtroom rules to end racial segregation in schools. And this marks a bespeak where we really start to see the court using its power to shape parts of American order. That means Americans take a greater interest in who is on the court. That ways even more pressure on senators to vet these candidates. Starting with the first nominee later the Brown determination, well-nigh every nominee will have a public hearing. Now alter is in full swing. "I Have a Dream," the march from Selma, "The Feminine Mystique." The court keeps making controversial rulings on race discrimination, gender discrimination, personal privacy. That means more than public interest, more pressure on senators, more than problems to parse in the hearings. So the hearings get longer. Only only wait. 1981 — game changer. "Skillful evening. Sandra O'Connor —" Get-go woman nominated to the Supreme Courtroom, first nomination hearing to be televised. The longer senators talk, the more TV time they get. The more TV fourth dimension they get, the more they can posture for voters watching at dwelling house. [senators talking] So the more they talk. With the cameras rolling, nosotros'll see 10 out of the 12 longest hearings e'er. One of those is for Robert Bork — "With a negative recommendation of 9 to five." — who famously doesn't make the cut. Now onto the aughts. There's an 11-year gap between nominees. Meanwhile, America has get more politically divided, so has the Senate. "Over and over again —" "Wait but a 2nd —" "How many times practice nosotros practise this before —" Here's Chief Justice Roberts to explicate what happened next. "I mean, you look at two of my colleagues, Justice Scalia and Justice Ginsburg, for example. Maybe there were two or three dissenting votes betwixt the two of them." Yeah, three votes against Ginsburg in 1993. No votes confronting Scalia in 1986. "At present y'all look at my more recent colleagues and the votes were, I think, strictly on party lines." That's pretty much correct. "And that doesn't make any sense." And that's how nosotros got here. "I'm not looking to take usa dorsum to quill pens." Very long — "Nah, I simply asked y'all where you lot were at on Christmas." [laughter] E'er very political — "So your failure to answer questions is misreckoning me." — very public Supreme Courtroom confirmation hearings. As well, something else to notice: Sometimes these nominees requite pretty similar answers. "The right to privacy is protected under the Constitution in various ways." "And it protects the right to privacy in a number of means." "In various places in the Constitution." "In a diverseness of places in the Constitution." "It's protected past the Quaternary Amendment." "The 4th Amendment certainly speaks to the right of privacy." "It's founded in the Fourth Amendment." "The first and most obvious place is the Quaternary Amendment."

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Confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominees didn't always exist. But the 19th Subpoena, school desegregation and tv set all contributed to major changes in the process. Credit Credit... Erin Schaff for The New York Times

They too reflect "advice submitted directly to President Bush-league," Mr. Burck wrote, as well every bit communications between White House staff members about their discussions with Mr. Bush-league, and other internal deliberations.

Judge Kavanaugh spent two years, from 2001 to 2003, in the White House Counsel'south Office, and afterward served as staff secretarial assistant to the president, a role that required him to vet documents before they reached the president'southward desk-bound. None of the staff secretary records have been released because Mr. Grassley did not request them — another point of contention between Republicans and Democrats.

Mr. Burck has been heading a squad of dozens of lawyers who are reviewing tens of thousands of pages of the Bush White Business firm records, which are held by the National Athenaeum and field of study to release under the Presidential Records Human activity. Only the White House, after consulting with the Justice Department, decided that certain records should not be released, Mr. Burck wrote.

Senate Democrats said this was the offset time that a sitting president has exerted executive privilege under the Presidential Records Deed in club to prevent documents from going to Congress during a Supreme Court confirmation process. Mr. Schumer issued his angry tweets alleging a holiday weekend cover-up only minutes before the outset of the funeral for his Senate colleague John McCain, which Mr. Schumer attended.

Presidents have claimed executive privilege under the Constitution to prevent other branches of authorities from gaining admission to certain internal executive co-operative information, so that the president and top White Business firm officials can communicate freely with i some other.

And so far, Mr. Burck said, he has produced more than 415,000 pages of records to the committee, adding, "We believe we take faithfully followed President Bush-league's pedagogy to review these documents accurately, neutrally, expeditiously and, with a presumption of disclosure."


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